St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

School Vision

St Matthew’s School empowers children to embrace life-long learning and grow and develop as God intends.


First Holy Communion Prayer

Dear God,

I know that You give me many gifts.
The gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ in Holy Communion is the greatest of all.
How can I ever thank You enough for this special gift?
We are called to be like Jesus, by loving
and serving one another in the world.
As I become more like Him, please continue to help me. 
Show me the places and ways that I can bring Your love, kindness, and peace
to others….
     in my family,
     in my neighbourhood,
     in my community,
     with my friends.
I ask this in Jesus’ name. 

Dear Parents and Carers

Open Day

It was exciting to see so many families visit our school on Thursday afternoon for our Open Day. The smiles on the faces of the children when their parents, grandparents or friends walked into the room was wonderful to see. It was a real community event, with planning by staff, activities for the children, and wonderful support from our P & F, in particular, Tarli Cooper, Donna Hardie, Rachel Borgas, Mel Noakes, Aimee Perkins, Michelle Batt, Jodie George, Claire Shepherd and all our helpers on the day who organized afternoon tea and a sausage sizzle. There were so many precious moments throughout the day, with lots of lovely feedback from visitors to our lovely school. One of the many highlights was the Choir & Rock Band students performing during the afternoon.  We are very blessed to have such wonderful staff and support from our parents.

Sacrament of the Eucharist

We are so excited for our Year 4 students who are receiving their First Holy Communion this Sunday 15 September. These students had a very special Retreat Day on Tuesday. Further information can be viewed in School News.  Special thanks to Mr Collins and Mrs Allington for all their preparation. Please keep our Communion Candidates in your prayers as they celebrate this special sacrament.


Feast Day Mass & Morning Tea

Next Friday 20 September, we will be celebrating our school Feast Day, the Feast of St Matthew. We will celebrate Mass at 9.30am in the Church, followed by a liturgical movement by the Year 6 girls. Following Mass there will be morning tea back at school. All parents and friends are invited to join us for Mass and morning tea.

Throughout the day, staff have organized some old-fashioned games and a talent show for our students. The day promises to be lots of fun for all.


Seating in our Centenary Garden

Our Centenary Garden continues to develop with the addition of seating this week. The seats are made from sleepers from the Dwellingup Mill, and have come to life with the awesome skills of one our talented parents, Tina Kokich, and Harry Rowley, a past student of our school. The trees are beginning to grow, and the seating provides more of an opportunity for students to use this amazing space. A big thank you to Tina, Harry Rowley and to Terry Kokich for assisting with the installation.


We are excited to announce that St Matthew’s School will be offering scholarships for the 2020 school year. These scholarships are either full or partial scholarships and are open for current and prospective students from Kindergarten to Year 2.

The following criteria apply:

  • Applicants should be supportive members of St Matthew’s School Community and be prepared to abide by the school ethos and policies.
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate the need for financial support.


If successful in your application, the scholarship will be available for your child throughout his/her school years at St Matthew’s School.

To access the application form and further information, please click here.



A reminder that students are required to wear their winter uniforms on Mondays and Wednesdays. Boys are required to wear long trousers on these days. Next term, there will be a two-week lead in to wearing the summer uniform. If it is warm enough, students may wear the summer uniform on the first Monday back. If you would like to order some new items for the summer uniform, please click here to download the order form.



Congratulations to Tim and Carmel McKenzie who recently welcomed baby Ava Grace, a beautiful sister for Jackson (Pre-Primary) and Hannah (Pre-Kindy).



Two of our students, Jax (Year 5) and Cody (Year 5), recently experienced the passing of a grandparent. May you always hold fond memories of their life with you. Please keep the Moffat and Heywood families in your prayers.


May God bless your week

Natalia Thomson

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