St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

2019 Faction Athletics Carnival

Our 2019 Faction Athletics carnival will be held in Week 2 of Term 4 for students from Year 1-6. The Pre-Primary students will join us on the Thursday for lunch and some fun activities. The Jumps and Throws will take place on Tuesday 22nd October at school, followed by all other events on Thursday 24th October at Thomas Hogg Oval.

Lots of parent help is needed on both of these days to ensure that the carnival runs smoothly. If you are able to help on either or both of these days, please contact Mrs Kilpatrick by email or phone asap so that she can start allocating jobs for volunteers. Her contact details are or 98539500.

More information about the carnival will be sent home soon.

The inter-school carnival will be held on the 6th and the 8th November.

Linda Kilpatrick
Phys-Ed Specialist


Boxes of Fun in 3 Year Old Kindy!

Last week in 3 Year Old Kindy, we were given lots of boxes to use in our activities. We brainstormed ways that we could use the boxes and the children enjoyed creating and playing. We turned the boxes into houses, cars, robots, roads, beds and slices of cheese! What creative and clever 3 year old children, we have at St Matthew’s School!

Out and About in Narrogin

The Kindy children were treated to a wonderful morning on Monday when they set off for a lovely walk in the beautiful sunshine around town.

The children have been learning about places in their town, as well as recognising how they are a part of a community.

The children had the opportunity to buy a cake from the bakery and a piece of fruit from Narrogin Fruit Market using real money. They enjoyed walking past many shops, and they loved seeing some places where their parent’s worked. The children had their yummy morning tea in the new sensory garden next to the library before finishing with a gorgeous story in the library from librarian, Kay Weaver.

We all loved our wonderful outing, and you should see our drawings of special places in Narrogin!

Claire Graham
Kindergarten Teacher

Sacrament of the Eucharist Retreat

On Tuesday 10 September the Year 4 class participated in their First Holy Communion Retreat Day.  The day was led by Mr Tenney, Mr Collins and Mrs Allington.  The students participated in some meaningful activities, including making family name banners with Eucharist symbols, baking bread, watching a Eucharist-themed film, writing positive affirmations about each other, and a candle prayer ceremony.  The students joined in sharing a lovely shared meal provided by their families.  A huge thanks to the parents who assisted on the day, and all the families for contributing towards the meal.  This Sunday, First Holy Communion day, promises to be a memorable, faith-building experience for all involved.  Please pray for our First Holy Communion students.

Mark Collins
Year 4 Teacher


Pre-Primary Excursion

On Tuesday the Pre-Primary class went downtown for a walk. It was a beautiful Spring day with the children in wonderful spirits and ready to “spy” anything which could resemble 100. Taking our clip-boards and black felt pens we were ready to do some detailed drawings.

Our first stop was the church, an old building we all love. Then down the main street to spy lots of other old buildings. Our second stop was the Town Hall. After refreshing ourselves at the park with crunch ‘n’ sip we went on to draw the very old Post Office. We discovered there are lots of old buildings over 100 years old in Narrogin, with a few new ones in between!!

Lastly, we visited the Narrogin Museum and saw lots and lots of objects used a looooong time ago – like a tin matchbox, a very old washing tub, and even listened to a record on a gramophone!

We headed back to school via the Memorial Park, seeing the old guns used in the wars over 100 years ago.

It was a great trip and had a well earned rest back at school.

Thank you to the super parent helpers who came along with us.

Di Prideaux
Pre-Primary Teacher


Sport Colours Day – Friday 27 September

On Friday 27 September we will be having a Sport Colours Day. This will be the last day of term and the day before the AFL Football Grand Final. On this day, students may wear the colours of their favourite football, soccer or basketball team. Please send along a gold coin donation to raise money for Mini Vinnies.


Kindergarten 2020

Enrolments for Kindergarten 2020 are now open.

Children born between 1 July 2015 and 30 June 2016 are eligible for enrolment.

Enrolment packages are available from the front office or by email:


Term Dates 2019 for Students

Term 3   Tuesday 23 July to Friday 27th September
Term 4   Monday 14th October to Friday 13 December

Pupil Free Day   Friday 1st November

Please note: The last day of the school year for students is Friday 13 December and the last day of the school year for staff will be Friday 20 December.





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