St Matthew's School Narrogin
St Matthew's School Narrogin

In order to maintain an appropriate number of students throughout the school, the St Matthew’s School Board, in accordance with the Catholic Education Commission of WA Guidelines, has agreed to establish the following enrolment policy:
Applications for enrolments from Kindergarten to Year 6 will be accepted in the following order:
- Children who have brothers or sisters already attending St Matthew’s School.
- The eldest child of practising Catholic parents commencing school for the first time.
- Children from non-Catholic homes whose parents fully support the Catholic ethos of St Matthew’s.
Each year the school will advertise in the school newsletter, parish bulletin and, if necessary, the local paper for enrolments. However, this process will occur only if the waiting list does not exceed twenty-five, based on points 1 and 2 of the above.
Names may be submitted to the school secretary at any time for enrolment and will be entered onto the waiting list if no place is currently available.
Enrolment for grades other than Kindergarten will be on application by the parent to the Principal who will determine eligibility for entry to our school, provided that a position is available for a new student in the appropriate grade, in accordance with the priorities stated above.
Parents who choose to apply to enrol a child at St Matthew’s school accept:
- That they will abide by the policies and practices established and developed by the School Board and School Leadership Team whilst their child/children are enrolled in St Matthew’s School. If you are unsure of any policies or practices, please consult the principal.
- That they are fully supportive of the Parents and Friends Association.
Kindergarten is the first year of our school and as such, the child once enrolled at St Matthew’s, will be able to complete his/her primary education within our school. The Kindergarten class ceiling will be held at twenty-five students per year.
Due to our current enrolment trends and due to sound educational theory, St Matthew’s will, from time to time, structure its class groupings in both straight age and multi-age (composite) groupings. The responsibility for determining the class groupings will remain the responsibility of the school Leadership Team, upon consultation with both the teaching staff and School Board.
St Matthew’s School has a deep and lasting concern to provide educational opportunities that enable each child to grow as God intends.
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