St Matthew's School Narrogin
St Matthew's School Narrogin
Applications are invited for the following positions:
We are seeking a suitably qualified and enthusiastic Special Needs Education Assistant who has the necessary knowledge, skills, ability and professional desire to demonstrate:
- Competence in assisting and engaging young students with various needs, including Autism Spectrum Disorders and ADHD, in different contexts including one-on-one and group situations.
- A high degree of professionalism and confidentiality
- Enthusiasm and the ability to work as part of a team
- Willingness to work under the direction of the classroom teacher and Leadership Team
- Ability to demonstrate creativity and initiative
- Ability to develop a positive relationship with all children
- An understanding of the developmental needs of children
- Well-developed interpersonal and organisational skills
This is an temporary position commencing at the start of Term 1, 2025.
All phone enquiries should be directed to the Principal, Mrs Susan Milton 9853 9500 or by email to
Applications close 4pm on 8 November 2024
We are currently seeking a part-time Science teacher to commence at the start of Term 3, 2024.
This is an temporary position commencing on 15 July 2024.
Selection Criteria and Application Submission Details.
All phone enquiries should be directed to the Principal, Mrs Susan Milton 98539500 or by email to
Applications close 4pm on 16 June 2024
St Matthew’s School has a deep and lasting concern to provide educational opportunities that enable each child to grow as God intends.
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by Chameleon Logic
© St Matthews School 2017