St Matthew's School Narrogin

St Matthew's School Narrogin


St Matthew’s School has a long tradition of musical excellence.  The programs offered include weekly class music lessons for all children from Kindy to Year 6, a school band, choir, dance, and ukulele lessons.  We also welcome artists into our school to perform and share their knowledge, and inspire the children.  Every second year our students perform a musical which is showcased to the wider community.  Each child in the school is involved in the production; with singing, dancing, acting, choreography, set design, and costuming.

Music builds a sense of belonging, discipline, confidence, creativity, movement skills, and cooperativeness. Our Music program extends the world of possibilities for all students.

St Matthew’s families are welcome to view video of our school band rehearsals and/or concerts ……

The success the school enjoys is, in large part, due to the interest and involvement of you, the parents, in the many varied activities and experiences organised for the children.

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by Chameleon Logic

© St Matthews School 2017